Consultation on a new Local Transport Plan for Herefordshire 2024-2041

Herefordshire Council is currently in the early stages of developing a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the county to cover the period 2024 to 2041.

The LTP sets out what, where and how they intend to invest in transport in Herefordshire. They are looking to tackle existing and future transport challenges.

The new LTP comes at an opportune time for the council to support wider ambitions; in particular, the LTP is closely linked to the council’s emerging Local Plan. For example, investment in transport is required when planning for new housing development and land use, and the location and design of these will have an impact on travel patterns and the new infrastructure needed to support them.

The new LTP will cover the whole of Herefordshire, recognising the different characteristics of Hereford, the five market towns and our rural communities. It will contain two key elements:

  1. An overarching strategy setting out how investment in transport will help to achieve the economic, environmental, health and social ambitions of the council
  2. An implementation plan setting out a programme of schemes and projects which will include a wide range of types of transport options

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